Byzantine Army in 15mm

These are the first pictures that I will post of various 15mm and 28mm armies that I have collected over the years.  I will add more armies and variations of the Byzantines as I can.  Enjoy!

These are some pics that I took on my table today.  The figures are a mix of Old Glory, Essex, Alain Touller, Khurasan, Gladiator, Minifigs, and Irregular Miniatures.

The army arrayed

Emperor Basil II

Skyths covering the right flank

Right Flank Infantry and Cavalry

Right flank Elite cavalry

Right center infantry and cavalry

Right flank thematic kontaratoi detail

Right flank kontaratoi

Center skutatoi

Center Varangian Guard

Center Athanatoi and Scholae Elite Cavalry

Left Flank skutatoi

Pechenegs horse archers covering left flank

Left flank Kursores and Defensores

Left Flank Dynatoi and kavallarioi retinues

Left Flank General

Right Flank General

Dynatoi and retinues

Thematic Kavallarioi

Emperor and Camp

Right Flank Dynatoi and retinues

Right Flank Elite Tamata by Khurasan

Right flank Kursores and Defensores

Right Flank arrayed for battle

Left Flank arrayed for battle

Many of these figure are sculpted by Alain Touller.  Alain was a gifted French sculptor who sadly passed away in November of 2015.  Many of the cavalry figures in this army are his sculpts and amongst my favorite figures.  The Emperor Basil II stand are all Touller sculpts.  I just came across a video from Tony Aguilar who managed to get a DBA army of Touller Komnenan Byzatines somehow in June of 2019.  I have no idea how he did this or if anyone currently has the molds for Touller figures.  I enquired about them on The Miniatures Page a few months ago, but I never got any response.  If anybody knows anything about a supplier of these figures please contact me!


  1. Well done, gorgeous figures!

    1. High praise from one as talented as yourself! Thank you.

  2. Great looking army!! Puts my Byzantines to shame.


    1. Thanks Jim! Your games at Cons are always a good time!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Tito! Now if I could just paint faster...

  4. great looking army. Can you remember where the generals came from?


I am slowly getting various figures out and photographed on my table in my newly set-up wargaming space.  I decided to start with 15mm Byzan...